Current Work
‘Dancing in the Dew’
‘What binds us together tears us apart’
‘I built this castle in the clouds for us’
‘Self Portrait’
‘43°00’34.776S 1470°55’43.644E’
‘I don’t wanna talk about it anymore’
‘The day the tide went out’
Artist Statement
I am walker. I walk and I observe and I document the world. I document what I find beautiful. I take photographs and these images become maps for drawing.
I am led by the shapes and the lines present in the image. I am interested in pattern and repetition and the moment when the pattern shifts or transforms. This shift comes from within the drawing itself and this is what I am following. The process is playful, I make and break my own rules as the drawing comes to life.
My drawings take a lot of time, it is a meditative process and is labour intensive. I have always worked with my hands, at the desk I am no different; I am a worker. I have long been engaged in practices that bring me into my body, drawing for me is physical. Following the marks I make invites a conversation with my internal landscape, like a spiral it leads me both inward and outward.
Themes of pattern and chaos, expansion and contraction are present in my current investigations. I am interested in both a wide and intimate lens; to find where they meet and become the same thing, reflected back to us, in the patterns found in nature.
Elements of the natural world feature heavily in my work. The bush is a place I go to connect. The companionship that this offers me, is an intimate conversation that is spoken through my artistic practice. It is a way to process the exquisite vulnerability of being a human in the world at this time.